It’s My Move
It’s My Move
Suitable for
Learning disabled young people from 14 – 21 years
The transition from school to adult life
The piece is based on the ‘Forum Theatre’ style, where the audience explore how to make positive outcomes through changing the actions of the characters.
It explores the issues for a group of young people with learning disabilities, and includes multiple communication tools including music, movement, poetry, makaton and film.
- Reduce stress and anxiety around transition for young people with learning difficulties and disabilities (LDD) and their carers
- Help young people express their choices and for carers and professionals to listen
- Improve understanding of the local offer and the Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).
75 minutes
Space needed
Hall or large clear equivalent space
Resources provided
Teacher’s notes with exercises and ideas based on the play.
Downloadable film for parents/carers to use with their young person.
Eight actors, including five with learning difficulties/disabilities, and one stage manager/facilitator
Face Front created this theatre and training programme in 2014 in partnership with the Cultural Institute at Kings College, and the disability arts organisations Heart n Soul, Action Space, Vital Xposure and Blink dance theatre.
The show has toured nationally to young LDD people and professionals who work with them, in special schools, colleges and theatre venues, reaching 1050 people over the first tour with 30 shows.
It was commissioned and funded by: Arts Council England, City Bridge Trust, Council Disabled Children, Enfield Council, Kings Cultural Institute, Rix-Thompson-Rothenberg Foundation