Spotlight on Greg
Hi my name is Greg and have recently been joining Bridge Group on Tuesday evenings. I’m an actor and improviser and have been doing this professionally for 10 years. Last year I was given a grant by the Arts Council of England to develop my own creative practice. For me, this is to help me in my journey in becoming a SEN drama facilitator. The grant has helped me do this by allowing me to work at a few inclusive theatre companies, I get to watch and learn from really fantastic people and get my first opportunities to lead sessions and classes myself.
I have been coming to Bridge group now for a month and it has been fantastic. Everyone is super friendly and the atmosphere is pure joy. We play lots of drama games that are really fun but also have something to teach us about performing. From stuck in the mud to 45 second story (and loads of games in between) these games make us think about team work, listening and remembering details.
Since walking through the door a month ago, Ray, Sarah-Jane and all the members of Bridge Group have made me feel so welcome. And I have been overwhelmed with their passion and creative energy. We learn so much from each other and groups like this help people not only become better performers but help them make connections and give them confidence to go out into the world. It’s certainly done that for me. So thank you Bridge Group.