An invaluable experience!

Between October and December 2016 I completed a placement with FaceFront Inclusive Theatre Company whilst studying at the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama. My placement was invaluable as I was able to practice and apply the skills taught on my course, ask questions to those working within the applied theatre industry, and learn additional skills from Face Front’s staff.

I was on placement for five days a week, and was fortunate enough to experience different aspects of FaceFronts work. The variety of opportunities was extremely beneficial as I was able to gain a holistic understanding of the company! I supported the Theatre In Education (TIE) tour of ‘Whisper Me Happy Ever After’. Through which I learnt the importance of organisation, and the practicalities of TIE.

I also supported a variety of FaceFronts facilitation groups and workshops including DDM; a drama group for teenagers with a range of learning and physical disabilities, InterACTion; an intergenerational group accessible to individuals with and without additional needs, and Broken Silence; a performing arts group for adults with a range of Mental health conditions, learning disabilities and physical disabilities. Within these groups I was able to support individuals, and build rapports. I was also provided with opportunities to facilitate during these sessions, allowing me to adapt my facilitation style for different groups.

In addition, I undertook a range of admin duties. This included a task to create a Digital Archive: Collecting, sourcing and organising information of FaceFronts performances and projects over the charities history. This was a tricky, and at times tedious job, but was nonetheless once completed, rather rewarding. It was nice to contribute something physical to the company!

I also performed in a couple of performances including ‘Mate Crime’ and performed within a film called ‘Going Digital’. I was able to develop and gain skills as a performer, learning from other Actors and Actresses.

The variety of opportunities I was faced with whilst on placement was extremely beneficial as I was able to realise areas of work that I would be interested in working in after graduating from RCSSD. My placement experience confirmed that I want to work with the SEN(D) client group. I feel extremely fortunate to have completed my placement with FaceFront Inclusive Theatre Company! I have gained such invaluable experience, contacts and memories! It is an organisation that I would sincerely love to work for in the near future, and I would truly recommend volunteering or undertaking a placement with this wonderful charity!